Astigmatism shouldn’t prevent you from contact lenses like everyone else. Today, there are many brand name toric lenses that can help provide the same comfort for your eyesight and have the same replacement schedule as any other kind of lens. Some popular contact lenses are Acuvue Moist for astigmatism, Biofinity toric, or Alcon’s Air Optix for astigmatism, which can be worn up to 6 nights and 7 days continuously.
Astigmatism by definition is a deviation of the spherical shape of the cornea, the white part of the eye. Contact lenses were designed to be spherical and cover the average shaped cornea, but when the shape of the cornea is too wide or the surface isn’t flat enough, the lenses could fall out, move behind the eye, or simply fail to provide clear vision.
Some places have led to a widespread misconception that astigmatism can prevent you from wearing contact lenses in all cases. That may true for practices without any expertise in contact lenses, yet Dr. Moshe Schwartz utilizes the latest in contact lens technology to treat nearly any level of astigmatism. Some specialty contact lenses are customized to fit your exact eye shape, providing comfort, zero irritation, and, depending on the lens you use, even better vision than the average contact lens wearer. The choices of what may work for your astigmatism often depends on how the contact fits the cornea and the severity of your astigmatism.
In certain cases of medium to extreme astigmatisms, such as keratoconus, specialty contact lenses like scleral lenses or hybrid contact lenses are recommended since their design covers the entire cornea. The customized fit ensures an amazing fit so that your eyesight remains clear, comfortable, no unexpected irritation, and that the lens will remain in place. Although an average case of astigmatism may not require specialty contact lenses, those who experience consistent dry eyes or still lack the visual acuity of regular contact lenses may want to consider scleral lenses or something similar. Investing in a more sophisticated contact lens design is worthwhile. For example, scleral lenses can often provide up to 20/20 vision or better due to the combination of an exact fit and encapsulating most of the cornea. Imagine getting Lasik treatment without the need for surgery or the risks involved. That’s not something you’ll get from conventional contact lenses.
To find out more regarding specialty contact lenses, how your astigmatism can be treated, and see what options are available, contact Dr. Moshe Schwartz, O.D., F.A.A.O. for a consultation.
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